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Title: Contextualizing the Contributions of HP1α-Mediated Chromatin Cross-Linking to Total and Internal Nuclear Mechanics
Authors: Orlovsky, Natalia
Advisors: Brangwynne, Clifford
Department: Molecular Biology
Certificate Program: Quantitative and Computational Biology Program
Class Year: 2022
Abstract: The physical properties of the nucleus dictate global cell responses to mechanical challenges, and their disruption is implicated in human disease. For instance, nuclear softening facilitates the rate-limiting deformation step in cancer cell invasion. Recent work suggests that chromatin-chromatin cross-linking is an important (but under-explored) determinant of nuclear mechanical properties. Here, I examine whether depletion of HP1α, a chromatin cross-linker whose expression is lost in metastatic cells, changes total and internal nuclear mechanics in ways that facilitate confined cell migration. Additionally, I aim to contextualize the scope of HP1α’s mechanical contributions by comparing them to those of a second, better-characterized determinant of nuclear stiffness (Lamin A). Using a set of imaging-based readouts, I demonstrate that HP1α contributes to nuclear morphology and nucleoplasmic diffusion dynamics, but that its effects are comparatively subtle. However, I also show that HP1α is a major contributor to intra-nucleolar diffusion dynamics, meaning that its impacts on internal nuclear mechanics exhibit an intriguing spatial heterogeneity. Using atomic force microscopy, a custom nuclear deformation assay, and an in vitro assessment of confined migration frequency, I then demonstrate that loss of HP1α-mediated cross-linking yields total nuclear softening and facilitates migration through narrow pores. Collectively, these results suggest an interesting comparative model of Lamin A and HP1α’s contributions to nuclear mechanics and demonstrate that spatially heterogenous changes in internal mechanical properties can result in total nuclear softening. In addition, the presented findings indicate that a mechanical model of HP1α’s contributions to cancer cell migration – and, by extension, to disease progression – is worth exploring further in future work.
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Molecular Biology, 1954-2023

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