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Title: Cryptography against Space-Bounded Adversaries
Authors: Guan, Jiaxin
Advisors: Zhandry, Mark
Contributors: Computer Science Department
Keywords: Cryptography
Information Theory
Subjects: Computer science
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University
Abstract: Traditionally in cryptography, we consider adversaries that are time-bounded by making certain computational assumptions. In this thesis, I study the scenario where the adversaries are space-bounded, i.e. the adversary can only use up to a certain amount of memory bits. Under these scenarios, we can achieve either unconditional security properties or never-before-possible results. First, I start off with Maurer’s Bounded Storage Model. It is a model where the adversary abides by a certain memory bound throughout the entire attack. Under this model, I show simple constructions of a key-agreement protocol, a commitment scheme, and an oblivious transfer protocol, all based on Raz’s lower bound on parity learning. These constructions have several advantages over prior work, including enhanced correctness and an improvedand optimal number of rounds. Subsequently, I show that if we combine computational assumptions with the bounded storage model, we can achieve results that are not possible in the standard model. I define a new object named Online Obfuscation, which is analogous to a Virtual Grey-Box Obfuscation in the Bounded Storage Model, and show how to use it to construct disappearing encryption and signature schemes where the ciphertext and the signature effectively “disappear” after transmission. Lastly, I make the observation that in the Bounded Storage Model, the memory bound on the adversary is enforced throughout the entire game. One can imagine a variant where the bound is only enforced for long-term storage, allowing the adversary to use an arbitrary amount of memory during the transmission phase. I define incompressible cryptography to capture this intuition and show constructions using randomness extractors and other cryptographic tools. Furthermore, I show that under the multi-user setting, we can still achieve desired incompressible security if we simply replace the randomness extractor with a special “multi-instance randomness extractor”.
Type of Material: Academic dissertations (Ph.D.)
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Computer Science

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