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Computer Science

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 270
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2025Fast and Robust 3D ReconstructionLipson, Lahav
2024Bicubical Directed Type TheoryWeaver, Matthew Zachary
2024Foreign Function Verification Through MetaprogrammingKorkut, Joomy
2024Programmable Smart Radio Environments: From Theory to Hardware ImplementationCho, Kun Woo
2024A Fast and Extensible Memory Profiling FrameworkXu, Ziyang
2024Faasten: An Architecture and Implementation for Securing Cloud ApplicationsTan, Yue
2024VectorVisor: A Binary Translation Scheme for Throughput-Oriented GPU AccelerationGinzburg, Samuel
2024Compact Algorithms for Measuring Network PerformanceZheng, Yufei
2024Quantum Decoding of Error Correction Codes for Wireless NetworksKasi, Sai Srikar
2024Algorithmic Decision Making with Imperfect Information and Practical IrrationalityCai, Linda
2024Implicit Bias of Deep Learning Optimization: A Mathematical ExaminationLyu, Kaifeng
2024Efficient Scaling of Large Models: Principles in Optimization and Data AspectsYu, Dingli
2024New Directions in BoostingBrukhim, Nataly
2024Translating between Scientific Computing and Machine Learning with Automatic DifferentiationOktay, Deniz
2024Monotone Termination AnalysisZhu, Shaowei
2024Criticality-Aware Front-endGodala, Bhargav Reddy
2024Transpilation Utilizing Language-agnostic IR and Interactivity for ParallelizationTan, Zujun
2024Rethinking System Design with Awareness for Cross-layer Aspects of Datacenter StorageRaina, Ashwini
2024Language Agents: From Next-Token Prediction to Digital AutomationYao, Shunyu
2024Reverse Engineering Real World Trusted SystemsBurgess, Benjamin Adam
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 270