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Title: Is Commercial Surrogacy Morally Problematic?
Authors: Bhat, Nisha
Advisors: Frick, Johann D.
Contributors: Harman, Elizabeth
Department: Philosophy
Class Year: 2015
Abstract: This paper is an analysis of ethical objections to commercial surrogacy. I explore a few of the most popular objections. First, I examine the claim that commercial surrogacy wrongfully objectifies children. I show that commercial surrogacy cannot be equated with “baby-selling,” and I also argue that arguments that appeal to the child’s welfare are unsuccessful. I then consider whether commercial surrogacy involves the wrongful exploitation of women, and show that the practice is not necessarily exploitative. Finally, I consider whether commercial surrogacy involves the objectification of women, and argue that this worry does not seem to justify prohibiting the practice. The many moral objections to commercial surrogacy underscore the necessity of careful regulation, but they do not seem to justify banning the practice.
Extent: 45 pages
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en_US
Appears in Collections:Philosophy, 1924-2024

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