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Title: James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: A Digital Approach to Critical Editions
Authors: Chon, Monica
Advisors: Kotin, Joshua I.
Department: English
Class Year: 2015
Abstract: This is an experimental thesis, with the hypothesis that a digital critical edition of Joyce' A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man has a strong voice to offer amid the sea of well-respected literary scholarship and critical editions of this novel. Furthermore, I am arguing - and also demonstrating through the electronically annotated text - that Joyce's work not only lends itself well to the hypertextual medium, but that this digital hypertext enhances the literary work that Joyce is doing in his prose.
Description: The item described is a website that has been preserved using the Webrecorder tool at the following web address: The archived website may not display or function precisely as it did in its original form. The files in the DataSpace repository may include only a portion of files that comprise the website.
Language: en_US
Appears in Collections:English, 1925-2024

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