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Showing results 1 to 20 of 388  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20213D Representations for Learning to Reconstruct and Segment ShapesGenova, Kyle Adam
2023A Computational Approach to the Study of Regulatory GenomicsCofer, Evan Mitchell
2024A Fast and Extensible Memory Profiling FrameworkXu, Ziyang
2016A Framework for Access Control and Resource Allocation for FederationsSevinc, Soner
2022A Generic Framework For Network Traffic AnalysisHolland, Jordan
2021A Sensible Approach to Speculative Automatic ParallelizationApostolakis, Sotirios
2023A Serverless Architecture for Application-Level OrchestrationLiu, Hao
2021Abstracting Systems Challenges from Distributed Deep LearningOr, Andrew
2015Abstractions for Software-defined NetworksSchlesinger, Cole
2015Accountable AlgorithmsKroll, Joshua Alexander
2013Accurate, Robust and Structure-Aware Hair CaptureLuo, Linjie
2017Addressing Security and Privacy Challenges in Internet of ThingsMosenia, Arsalan
2017Advances in decision-making under uncertainty: inference, finite-time analysis, and health applicationsWang, Yingfei
2023AI framework for improved system design and explainable decisionsTerway, Prerit
2023Algorithmic and architectural implicit biases in deep learningJelassi, Samy
2024Algorithmic Decision Making with Imperfect Information and Practical IrrationalityCai, Linda
2018Algorithms for deciphering cancer genomes: from differential mutation to differential allele specific expressionPrzytycki, Pawel
2014Algorithms for High Dimensional DataNguyen, Huy Le
2017Algorithms for Image Restoration and 3D Reconstruction from Cryo-EM ImagesBhamre, Tejal
2024Algorithms for understanding the spatial and network organization of biological systemsChitra, Uthsav Rajaram