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Browsing by Subject Biophysics

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 92  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017A Mechanistic Study of Complex Biological Phenomena: From Membrane-less Organelle Assembly to Cell Cycle RegulationFalahati, Hanieh
2015Analytical and Computational Studies of Compositional Lipid Microdomains in Bilayer MembranesHan, Tao
2017Aspects of Scale invariance in Physics and BiologyAlba, Vasyl
2022Behavior at High ResolutionMcKenzie-Smith, Grace Clemens
2024Behavioral Dynamics and Neural Computation for Sensory Navigation in C. elegansChen, Kevin S
2022Beyond steady state: temporal variation in microbial communitiesLopez, Jaime Gerardo
2024Biomaterial strategies to control cellular crowd behaviorsCho, Youn Kyoung
2022Biophysical Modeling of the Growth and Motion of Bacterial PopulationsAmchin, Daniel Benjamin
2021Biophysical Principles Underlying Assembly, Regulation, and Function of Intracellular CondensatesLee, Daniel
2024Biophysics of spindle assembly and microtubule associated condensatesGouveia, Bernardo
2019Cancer Dynamics under a Chemotherapeutic Stress Gradient Using a Microfluidic in vitro Tumor EnvironmentLin, Ke-Chih
2012Cell Wall Nonlinear Elasticity and Growth Dynamics: How Do Bacterial Cells Regulate Pressure and Growth?Deng, Yi
2020Characterization of the spatiotemporal architecture of the genome and its relevance to biological functionBarinov, Lev
2018Characterizing Information in Physical Systems: from Biology to Black HolesMcGough, Lauren
2024Characterizing the structure and drivers of variation in behavior and gene expressionWolf, Scott
2013Class Averaging in Cryo-EM Single Particle ReconstructionZhao, Zhizhen
2018Collective Behavior and Scaling in Large Populations of Hippocampal NeuronsMeshulam, Leenoy
2018Collective Growth in a Small Multicellular StructureAlsous, Jasmin Imran
2015Collective Sensing and Information Transfer in Animal GroupsRosenthal, Sara Brin