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Browsing by Academic Advisor Gandelsonas, Mario

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 38  next >
Class YearAuthor(s)TitleAdvisor
2008Stewart-Halevy, SamuelActive Ruin: New Forms of Use in the Quartiere ZenGandelsonas, Mario
2018Lopez Serfozo, AlissaArchitecture as Building, Object, and, Curatorial Project: Retracing the History of Architecture Exhibitions at the Venice BiennalePapapetros, Spyros; Gandelsonas, Mario
2004Perrin, WadeThe Architecture of "Artikulation:" An Alternative Relationship Between Sound and FormGandelsonas, Mario
2013Escalante, UbaldoBEYOND THE GOLDEN PERIOD: Contemporary Latin American ModernismGandelsonas, Mario
2000Kang, PaulThe Car and The Net: The Effects of Technology on Urban ConnectivityGandelsonas, Mario
2005Baccich, Charles ThornThe Changing Face of Olympic Architecture: A Study of the Mass Media and its Impact on Olympic DesignGandelsonas, Mario
2018Di Caprio, FrancescoThe City in the Lagoon: How Makoko Builds an Alternative Form of Flood ResilienceChiaramonte, Maurizio; Gandelsonas, Mario
2010Daurio, PatrickColin Rowe: In Pursuit of Discursive Method 1947-1963Gandelsonas, Mario
1997Chan, Mark F.Y.Composite Identity: A New Chinese Urbanism Shanghai - Paris - NY - ShanghaiGandelsonas, Mario
2005Smith, Valerie LouiseConcealing, Exposing, Veiling: The Return to the Textile-like Surface in the Transparent Façade of the Contemporary House and ShopGandelsonas, Mario
1999Lucas, KeithConverging Pathways: Labyrinthine Analysis and Representation in Stanley Kubrick's "The Shining"Gandelsonas, Mario
2006Shue, Brian AnthonyDiamonds in the Rough: The Evolution of Ballpark Architecture in the Context of American UrbanismGandelsonas, Mario
2002McClees, MarcoThe Digital Interface The Catalyst and Manifestation of a Comtemporary Revolution in ArchitectureGandelsonas, Mario
2014Santillo, Amanda[ECO]systemizing the City: Promoting a Multidisciplinary Discussion of Ecologically Sustainable Planning StrategiesGandelsonas, Mario
2013De La Hoz, CarlyThe Favela Typology: Architecture in the Self-Built CityGandelsonas, Mario
1997Carbonnell, JorgeForeign Inventions of Cuzco Foreign Interventions in CuzcoGandelsonas, Mario
2022Souter, KajsaFROM MODERNITY TO WALKABILITY: The Role of Suburban Walkability in the Decarbonisation of Australian CitiesGandelsonas, Mario
2013Leib, CharlotteThe Garden and The Grid: A History & Theory of Los Angeles Community Gardens as Cultural InfrastructureGandelsonas, Mario
2002Oki, SaranGyorgy Kepes's The New Landscape in Art and ScienceGandelsonas, Mario
2014Shanley, ThomasThe Hosting Games: Successes and Failures of Olympic CitiesGandelsonas, Mario