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Title: Fuori Campo: Affect, Dwelling, and Transience in Eritrean Rome
Authors: Ficarelli, Mariachiara
Advisors: Elyachar, Julia
Department: Anthropology
Certificate Program: Program in Values and Public Life
Class Year: 2019
Abstract: Fuori Campo is an ethnography of Eritrean Rome. It explores how the urban space of Italy's capital produces an ambiguous affect for Eritreans, an overlapping of contradictory political alliances, sentiments, and citizenships. I argue that in urban precarity, mobility is experienced as stasis. Yet, in these interstices, the spaces in between, there are melancholic hopes and imaginations of alternative and resilient futures.
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Anthropology, 1961-2023

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