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Title: Integrated Modeling of Plasma-Induced Material Migration in NSTX-U
Authors: Nichols, Jacob Haines
Advisors: Jaworski, Michael A
Contributors: Astrophysical Sciences—Plasma Physics Program Department
Keywords: Material migration
Plasma-material interactions
SOL modeling
Wall conditioning
Whole-device modeling
Subjects: Plasma physics
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University
Abstract: During the course of tokamak operation, material is routinely eroded from plasma facing components and transported to other regions of the machine. This net-reshaping process will lead to many challenges in a high duty cycle magnetic fusion reactor, and is also highly relevant to the wall conditioning process in current experiments. Proper modeling of this mechanism requires a global treatment of the entire tokamak, and integration of tightly coupled plasma and surface processes. This thesis focuses on extending and applying the WallDYN mixed-material migration code [1] [2], which couples local erosion and deposition processes with plasma impurity transport in a non-iterative, self-consistent manner that maintains overall material balance. NSTX-U operated in 2016 with carbon PFCs, periodically conditioned with boron-containing films to suppress oxygen impurities. However, oxygen levels tended to return to a pre-conditioned state following repeated plasma exposure, and this occurred on a faster time scale when conditioning with less boron. This C/B/O migration is interpretively modeled with WallDYN, which successfully reproduces observed trends in oxygen evolution. A new model for spatially inhomogenous mixed material films has been developed for WallDYN, which allows for the differentiation between conditioning films of varying thicknesses. A boron coverage model for the NSTX-U glow discharge boronization process is also developed. These new capabilities improve WallDYN agreement with observed NSTX-U spectroscopic data by at least a factor of 2. As part of the integrated model, plasma backgrounds representing NSTX-U H-modes and L-modes are calculated using OSM-EIRENE, constrained by a combination of NSTX-U data and NSTX SOLPS calculations. The effect of modifying the assumed parallel SOL profile is examined, with the result that inner divertor-directed flows turn the outer divertor from a region of net boron deposition to one of net boron erosion. Plasma impurity transport calculations are carried out with DIVIMP, and mixed-material sputtering calculations are carried out for a range of possible surfaces with SDTRIMSP. WallDYN modeling of C/Li/O migration in NSTX is presented, utilizing OSM-EIRENE calculations of lithiated NSTX plasmas. An adatom model of temperature-enhanced sputtering has been added to WallDYN, and the effect of various surface temperature scenarios is examined. A sensitivity study of surface binding energies used in WallDYN sputtering calculations is carried out, finding that mixed material effects become dominant when the system contains both tightly- and weakly- bound elements (such as C and Li).
Alternate format: The Mudd Manuscript Library retains one bound copy of each dissertation. Search for these copies in the library's main catalog:
Type of Material: Academic dissertations (Ph.D.)
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Plasma Physics

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