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Title: "I Don’t Think I’ll Ever Be as Politically Invested in Something as That Moment" Exogenous Events and the Political Socialization of Young Adults in America
Authors: Bledsoe, Isaac
Advisors: Velasco, Kristopher
Department: Sociology
Class Year: 2023
Abstract: Many factors contribute to the political socialization of American citizens. This mixed-methods study seeks to identify how high-profile exogenous events play a role in that process for young adults. Through in-depth interviews and regression analyses, I looked for changes in opinions on war, race relations, environmentalism, government trust, and sexism against women following a related event. I also explain how young adults react to those events, and how they choose to engage politically. I found support for the impressionable years hypothesis, which states that attitudes are unstable and subject to change during young adulthood. I also found that those who feel called to action following an event are more likely to choose methods of political engagement that are external and visible. Lastly, I offer directions for future research, such as testing whether or not changes in young adulthood persist over time.
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Sociology, 1954-2024

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