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Physics, 1936-2024

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 711
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Jul-2024Entanglement Dynamics of the Schwinger ModelZhou, George
18-Jul-2024Boundary Conditions Modulate the Orientation of Myxococcus xanthus RipplesZhao, Allison
18-Jul-2024The Nernst Effect on the Cuprate Superconductor Bi-2212Woofter, Nathan
18-Jul-2024Heading Error Suppression in Alkali-Metal-Vapor Magnetometry Using an Applied Rotating RF FieldWietfeldt, August
18-Jul-2024Dynamics of Magnetotactic Bacteria in a Rotating Magnetic FieldTavakolian, Nate
18-Jul-2024Exploring the High Redshift Universe: Spectral Analysis Methods along Quasar Sight LinesTabirian, Levon
18-Jul-2024Quantum Billiards on Polyhedral SurfacesShen, Kimberly
18-Jul-2024Geometric Criteria for Fractional Chern InsulatorsMohammadi, Amir Shapour
18-Jul-20241+1d QCD with Quarks and Adjoint Fermions at Finite NLuch, Noah
18-Jul-2024Higher Berry phase of fermionic matrix product statesLiu, Xinyu
18-Jul-2024Physics-Informed Machine Learning of Chaotic Kuramoto Sivashinsky SystemsLahlou, Maxime
18-Jul-2024Assessing the Reproducibility of Developmental Time and Spatial Patterns in Drosophila melanogaster EmbryogenesisKuo, Sarah
18-Jul-2024Developing Machine Learning Models for Jet Pileup Energy Prediction and Correction at the CMS Level-1 Trigger SubsystemKaraaslan, Inci
18-Jul-2024Modeling Adaptive Cancer ChemotherapyHowe, Ben
18-Jul-2024The Critical O(N) Model at Finite Temperature: a comparison of calculations in large N and d = 4 - epsilonHelton, Hanako
18-Jul-2024Photometric Effects on Gravitational Lensing Data: Flux Calibrating of Abell 1689 from SuperBIT’s 2023 FlightHelm, Zakiya
18-Jul-2024Animal Pose Analysis Using Deep Neural NetworksHe, Xinyan
18-Jul-2024Modeling the Interior Structure and Mineralogy of Terrestrial ExoplanetsGu, Jason
18-Jul-2024Interfacial Thermal Transport in 2D Materials: Spatially Resolved Raman Thermometry and Transfer Stage ConstructionErdman, Henry
18-Jul-2023Inertial Spinner Swarms: Emergence, Entropies, and ExponentialsWilson, Jared
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 711