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Title: CMT3D - Software
Contributors: Beller, Stephen
Lei, Wenjie
Tromp, Jeroen
Sawade, Lucas
Keywords: Seismology
Centroid Moment Tensor
Issue Date: 20-Dec-2021
Publisher: Princeton University
Abstract: Software packages to invert for Global Centroid Moment Tensors (GCMT). The software is written in Python and fully modular. Especially the forward modelling method can easily be changed. The software was written with the goal in mind to use the global, seismic forward-modelling software SPECFEM3D_GLOBE to compute three-dimensional, heterogeneous Green's functions for the inversion of the moment tensor.
Description: For the modified version of specfem3d_globe, we removed all unnecessary, such as unrelated data, examples, utilities notes, etc. as well as git history. For the model GLAD-M25 please refer to Lei et. al (2020).
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Appears in Collections:Research Data Sets

Files in This Item:
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CMT3D-SOFTWAREreadme.txt4.4 kBTextView/Download
source-inversion.tar.gz56.13 MBUnknownView/Download
lwsspy.seismo.tar.gz162.56 MBUnknownView/Download
lwsspy.gcmt3d.tar.gz61.14 MBUnknownView/Download
specfem3d_globe.tar.gz311.88 MBUnknownView/Download

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