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Title: Measuring Quantum Systems with FPGAs
Authors: Ward, Andrew
Ray, Subhajit
Advisors: Houck, Andrew
Department: Electrical Engineering
Class Year: 2015
Abstract: In the pursuit of a superconducting implementation of a quantum computer, measurement of quantum systems, whether simple signal averaging or complex correlation functions, is key. In the typical scheme, a digitizer card digitizes the analog output signal of a superconducting quantum computing microwave experiment, then transfers the raw, unprocessed data to the host computer where it is processed in software. This data transfer is a bottleneck. Thus, for this thesis, we designed an FPGA architecture on-board the digitizer card to pre-process the data in hardware so that less of it has to be transferred to computer, thereby drastically reducing data transfer time, and paving the way for larger-scale experiments. We designed two architectures: one optimized for amplitude averaging and power averaging, and another that lays the groundwork for computing correlation functions.
Extent: 121 pages
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en_US
Appears in Collections:Electrical and Computer Engineering, 1932-2024

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