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Title: Moms are the Future: The Influences of Maternal Mental Health on Child Behavioral Development
Authors: Trieu, Emily
Advisors: Grossman, Jean
Department: Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
Certificate Program: Global Health and Health Policy Program
Class Year: 2023
Abstract: Maternal postpartum mental health is an issue that has a lasting effect on influencing child behavioral development. Currently, the U.S. lacks efficient identification and assessments of postpartum mental health care under the scope of maternal health care. This thesis examines the relationship between postpartum depression and anxiety across two different periods to see if there is a significant influence on later child behavioral development. Results from a longitudinal study surveyed 3078 mothers and their reports of their child’s behavior indicate that maternal depression at both Year 1 and Year 3 postpartum is positively related to child behavioral development. Maternal anxiety showed slightly fewer links across multiple child behavior indicators in Year 1 and Year 3 postpartum. The results suggest that there is a need for policy change to include more comprehensive postpartum health care.
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2024
Global Health and Health Policy Program, 2017-2023

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