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Title: Consumer Divergence and Product Endorsement in Social Media Outlets
Authors: Williams, Erin
Advisors: Coman, Alin
Contributors: Kastner, Sabine
Department: Psychology
Class Year: 2014
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore the conditions under which individuals diverge from group preferences in consumer product decisions. Previous research conducted by Berger and Heath (2008) shows how consumer behavior is characterized by a process of social identity signaling, with members of groups endorsing products that are characteristic of their own group and discarding products that come to be adopted by members of a rival outgroup. The present research builds on previous work and explores the mechanisms that drive convergence/divergence in an online setting (e.g., Facebook). We hypothesize that by using intergroup social influence; we can both facilitate and attenuate divergence in product preferences. Although the results of this study do not support the hypothesized influence of future-self projection priming on intergroup attitudes and divergence, we do find that age, intergroup attitudes, and the population of established product endorsers do have significant impacts on the success of social media marketing.
Extent: 57 pages
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en_US
Appears in Collections:Psychology, 1930-2024

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