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dc.descriptionIn Stonewall’s Global Workplace Equality Index, broad legal zoning is used to group the differing challenges faced by organisations across their global operations. Spain is classified as a Zone 1 country, which means sexual acts between people of the same sex are legal and clear national employment protections exist for lesbian, gay, and bi people. Two further zones exist. In Zone 2 countries, sexual acts between people of the same sex are legal but no clear national employment protections exist on grounds of sexual orientation, while in Zone 3 countries sexual acts between people of the same sex are illegal.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesStonewall Global Workplace Briefings, 2016en_US
dc.subjectLGBT, Spain, workplace, equality, employment discriminationen_US
dc.titleSpain: Stonewall Global Workplace Briefingsen_US
dc.title.alternativeStonewall Global Diversity Championsen_US
pu.depositorCordonnier, Deborah-
dc.publisher.placeLondon, Englanden_US
dc.publisher.corporateStonewall Equality Ltd.en_US
Appears in Collections:Serials and series reports (Publicly Accessible) - Stonewall Global Workplace Briefings

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