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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2024

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 5330
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11-Jul-2024A Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of Universal Primary Education on Intergenerational Education Mobility in UgandaNamala, Jackie
11-Jul-2024The Pearl of the Indian Ocean: A Case Study of the Impact of China’s Belt and Road Initiative on Sri LankaLalin, Natalia
11-Jul-2024Small Buildings, Large Impact: Advancing Residential Decarbonization through Building Performance Standards for Rental and Small Multifamily HousingGreen, Jack
11-Jul-2024The Great Ghanaian “Cocoa War”: Policy Recommendations for Enhancing Revenue and Profits from Cocoa— Ghana’s Economic Sweet SpotSidibay, Dusu
11-Jul-2024“A Land Without Sorrow”: An Evaluation of California’s Anti-Caste Movement from Fresno and BeyondGodil, Faraaz
11-Jul-2024Creativity, Computers and Copyright: Promoting the Progress of Creation in the Age of Generative Artificial IntelligenceMead, Hailey
11-Jul-2024BETWEEN SHANTIES AND SKYSCRAPERS: Evaluating Public-Private Partnership in Mumbai Slum RedevelopmentBharadwaj, Shruthi
11-Jul-2024Strategies and Syringes: Comparing HBV Elimination Approaches in Five South American CountriesEngel, Hunter
11-Jul-2024Supply, Preservation, and Inclusion: The Tensions of Inclusionary Zoning in ColoradoRagan, Olivia
11-Jul-2024Racing Towards Reform – An Analysis of the Olympic Agenda’s Impact on Olympic Host Cities from 2016 to 2024: A Game-Changing Strategy or Symbolic Policy Making?Monihan, Kate
11-Jul-2024REDMAP's Roadmap: A State-Level Case Study Analysis of the Impacts of Gerrymandering on Abortion PolicyFromkin, Lauren
11-Jul-2024"The Climbers": An Exploratory Study of Asian American Students and Parents in American SuburbsLiao, Jeffrey
11-Jul-2024A Polarized Hong Kong: “One Country,” or “Two Systems”?Lim, Nicholas
11-Jul-2024“We Can Do This”: A Mixed Methods Analysis of German Citizens’ Reception and Responses to the Syrian and Ukrainian Refugee CrisesBenazzouz, Kenza
11-Jul-2024Sin Recurso: Immigration Relief for Victims of Latin American Non-State Armed GroupsVan Dusen, Katherine
11-Jul-2024A Crisis Within a Crisis: An Analysis of Donor Motivations toward Humanitarian Aid Allocations to Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan following the Influx of Syrian RefugeesZakaria, Lara
11-Jul-2024“Removing the Mule: How America Needs to Understand Its Changing Black Population”Young, Sajan
11-Jul-2024Diverse DEI Implementation: Examining the Effectiveness of New Jersey’s 2021 Diversity and Inclusion LawYan, Alessandra
11-Jul-2024Unlocking Equity: Exploring NIL Collective Dynamics and Policy Solutions for Balanced Benefits in College AthleticsWilhelm, Abbie
11-Jul-2024The Illusion of Independence: Explaining the Rise of Geoeconomics in the post-Brexit United Kingdom.Wells, Joshua
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 5330