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Title: Commerce with competitors: Economic interdependence, vulnerability and security policy in contemporary East Asia
Authors: Lim, Darren James
Advisors: Ikenberry, John
Friedberg, Aaron L
Contributors: Public and International Affairs Department
Keywords: China
East Asia
Foreign Policy
International Political Economy
International Security
Subjects: International relations
Political Science
Public policy
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University
Abstract: Under what conditions does economic interdependence render contemporary East Asian states vulnerable to China, and when can interdependence actually affect these states' security policies? Existing measures do not accurately account for the microfoundations of interdependence, and miss the reality that modern production and trade have evolved from traditional bilateral movements of final goods to vertically fragmented transnational production networks and trade in intermediate inputs. Interdependence generates vulnerability through asymmetry, and I propose a novel theory of asymmetry and operationalize interdependence according to an economy's specialized profile in the transnational production network. I hypothesize that certain types of production profiles face greater potential losses from disruption of the bilateral relationship because of the specificity of their economic linkages with China, thereby increasing their vulnerability. I also test the hypothesis that economic vulnerability causes accommodating security policy. Case studies of East Asian states' bilateral relations with China between 2002-2013, loosely structured as two paired comparisons--Japan and the Philippines, Singapore and Australia--provide confirmatory evidence that specialized production profile is a superior measure of interdependence and vulnerability, but that the political salience of security issues limits the influence of economic interdependence on security policy.
Alternate format: The Mudd Manuscript Library retains one bound copy of each dissertation. Search for these copies in the library's main catalog
Type of Material: Academic dissertations (Ph.D.)
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Public and International Affairs

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