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Title: PDP-8/L Minicomputer Restoration and Programming
Authors: Minshew, William
Schwarzenbach, Eric
Advisors: Littman, Michael G.
Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Class Year: 2013
Abstract: In this project, we successfully restored a Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-8/L minicomputer and interfaced it to a modern laptop. During its restoration, we repaired the power supply, replaced a defunct cooling fan, fixed the front panel, repaired the core memory, created a library of basic programs on an emulator in PDP-8 assembly language (PAL), ran extensive diagnostics on both the CPU logic and memory stack, and designed an RS-232 to current loop interface to allow the PDP-8 to communicate with the terminal of a modern laptop.
Extent: 34 pages
Access Restrictions: Walk-in Access. This thesis can only be viewed on computer terminals at the Mudd Manuscript Library.
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en_US
Appears in Collections:Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 1924-2024

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