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Slavic Languages and Literature, 1962-2024

Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 262
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Aug-2018The Construction of Childhood in Mayakovsky's Children's PicturebooksUmutoni, Gloria
25-Apr-2017Living among Untruths: An Analysis of Character Relations and Deception in Dostoevsky’s DemonsPower, Kalea
25-Apr-2017Performance of Power: Examining the Parade of a Resurgent RussiaLi, Joana
19-Apr-2017In Support of The Idiot: Dostoevsky's Positively Beautiful Man Within the Context of the NovelAnderson, Michael
14-Jun-2016Uncovering a Serbian Narrative of the NinetiesSackett-Sanders, Jacob A.
13-Jul-2015Captive Audiences: The Untold Stories of Professional Theater in the Gulag Camps of the Komi RepublicRobertson, Jake
13-Jul-2015"The Gulag of Russian Linguistics": The Status and Function of Russian Profanity From Pagan Cults to PutinPalmer, Robin
13-Jul-2015To All The Friends Who Have Left: Mikhail Baryshnikov and Alexei Ratmansky's Contributions to the Development of Russian BalletNelson, Morgan
13-Jul-2015Trans-Atlantyk and Kosmos: The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Witold & Witold within the Context of das ManKelley, Claudia
13-Jul-2015Dragging Soviet Subjectivity out of Popular Soviet CinemaCisneros, Marcos
13-Jul-2015Representation of Human Nature in Vasily Grossman's Life and Fate and Everything FlowsPina, Fabiola
1996Billboards in the Motherland: The Role of Advertising in Post-Communist RussiaZilkha, Leonora Rebecca
1994Beyond the Fitting Medium of Desire: The Ubiquitous Narrator and the Nature of Reality in Eugeny OneginHanlon, Aileen Marie
1965Belyj's Use of the Leitmotiv as a Central Thematic Device in PetersburgBrodsky, David Allan
1975Bazarov, the Man and the MythNeuman, Marie Grazia Esty
1986Basmachis and Bolsheviks: The Difference of Nationality in Soviet Central AsiaDailey, Erika Bottin
1981Approaches to Reality in Nabokov's Earliest FictionSommerfeld, Amy
1986'The Poet Strummed His Inspired Lyre ...' A.S. Pushkin's Influence on the Development of Russian OperaMcCroskey, Susan Carol
2004Anna Karenina in Ada's Created WorldJackson, Vanessa
Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 262