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Title: Harmonia: A Pattern-Based DAW with Structural Harmony
Authors: Zelikman, Brendan
Advisors: Tymoczko, Dmitri
Department: Computer Science
Certificate Program: Musical Performance Program
Class Year: 2023
Abstract: In this paper, we present Harmonia—the world's first pattern-based digital audio workstation (DAW) with integrated structural harmony—as a free and open-source website available online to all users. By capturing the architectural frameworks of chords and scales that underpin the Western tradition of music, we can revolutionize how musicians work with patterns and unlock the magic of transposition. Combining the best features of scorewriters like Sibelius and Finale with the cutting-edge capabilities of modern DAWs such as Ableton Live and Logic Pro, Harmonia can provide a refreshing and immersive musical experience for users of all levels.
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Computer Science, 1987-2024

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