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Browsing by Subject Electrical engineering

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 230  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017A Guide to Building Hybrid Large-Area Sensing Systems: Circuit and Algorithmic Techniques for Scalable InterfacesMoy, Tiffany
2017A Microwave Photonic Interference Canceller: Architectures, Systems, and IntegrationChang, Matthew
2018Addressing Integrated Circuit Integrity Using Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning TechniquesCakir, Burcin
2017Addressing Security and Privacy Challenges in Internet of ThingsMosenia, Arsalan
2012Adhesion and Interfacial Fracture: From Organic Light Emitting Devices and Photovoltaic Cells to Solar Lanterns for Developing RegionsTong, Tiffany Michelle
2016Advances in Fault Diagnosis Automation for Silicon PrototypesZhu, Charlie Shucheng
2014Advances in Nanoimprint Lithography and Applications in Plasmonic-Enhanced Electron SourceLiang, Yixing
2012Alignment and Supervised Learning with Functional Neuroimaging DataLorbert, Alexander
2013Analysis and Optimization of Building Energy ConsumptionChuah, Jun Wei
2014Analysis and Optimization Techniques for Massively Parallel ProcessorsJia, Wenhao
2016Applications of Large-Area Nanopatterning to Energy Generation & Storage DevicesMills, Eric N.
2013Applications of Machine Learning to FMRI Data AnalysisXu, Hao
2017Architectural Support for Large-scale Shared Memory SystemsFu, Yaosheng
2012Architecture for Data-Centric SecurityChen, Yu-Yuan
2022Architectures for Organic Computing and Data RelayoutChang, Ting-Jung
2013Assertions for Debugging Parallel ProgramsSchwartz-Narbonne, Daniel
2023Benchmarking Digital Logic Styles For High Performance OTFT CircuitsYao, Zhuozhi
2022Biological Cell Preparation and On-Chip Particle Sorting Systems at High Flow RateLiang, Weibin
2016Cache Side Channel Attacks and Secure Cache ArchitecturesLiu, Fangfei