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Browsing by Subject Aesthetics

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 35  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Anarquismos literarios: Jorge Luis Borges y Macedonio FernándezRosa, Luis Othoniel
2017Art, Value, and Relationships of PartialityCross, Anthony
2014A Beautiful Leisure: The Decadent Architectural Humanism of Geoffrey Scott, Bernard and Mary BerensonCampbell, Mark
2024Complete Fantasy: The Imagination in Musical Discourses of the Long Nineteenth CenturyHines, Jane
2015Definite Means: Arp's Cut-Outs, 1911-1930Paneth-Pollak, Tessa
2024Dynamic Movement in Video Games: Space, Time, and PerspectiveKong, Gyoonho
2020Ejok! Experience, Language, and Aesthetico-Moral Expression in KaramojaAmoah , Quincy J
2013The Era of Master Domain Music 1964-1994Carr, Adrian D.
2012Eschatology and the Reinvention of History: Theological Interventions in German Modernism, 1920-1938McGillen, Michael J.
2014Geomorphic Poetics: Mountainous Transformations from E.T.A. Hoffmann to Elfriede JelinekKlenner, Jens
2021Half a Life: Dialectics of Music and Poetry in German and English Art SongBergmann, R. J. Rubin
2024Immersion: Classical Reception and Eastern European Transformations of Hygiene Architecture, ca. 1600-1830Musiał, Aleksander Mikołaj
2022L'Expression poétiqueHo, Brian
2024Laboratories of Extraction: Limit, Measure, and Abundance in the Architecture of the South African Ultra-Deep Mines c. 1953Eardley, Megan Elizabeth
2024Love, Lieder, and the Gendered Poetics of Musical Transcendence, c.1780-1850Parton, Christopher
2013Non-Design and the Non-Planned CityFontenot, Anthony
2012On the Nature, Interpretation, and Value of ArtworksGillon, Josh
2022Past the End of the Road: Aesthetic senses of place along Kachemak Bay, AlaskaBradley, Hannah
2012The Power of judgment: Aesthetics and Politics in Kant, Hegel, and KleistJohnston, Walter
2012Promiscuous Grace: Beauty, Decay and the Divine in the Legend of Saint Mary of EgyptVelazquez, Sonia