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Showing results 169 to 188 of 217 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Smoothing conic Kahler metrics and the conical Kahler-Ricci flowShen, Liangming
2018Sobolev-type Embedding on Cauchy-Riemann Manifolds and Nonlinear Sub-elliptic PDE on Heisenberg GroupShi, Xiaojie
2023Some Elliptic PDE Problems in Conformal GeometryLee, Sanghoon
2019Some Problems in Four-dimensional Conformal GeometryZhang, Siyi
2019Some regularity properties for two equations arising from flowsChen, Eric Christopher
2022Some results in the variational theory of the area and related functionalsDey, Akashdeep
2014Some Results on a Fully Nonlinear Equation in Conformal GeometryReichert, Nicholas William
2024Space of Filtrations and SingularitiesQi, Lu
2022Square roots of symplectic L-functions and Reidemeister torsionAbdurrahman, Amina
2021Stability results for nonlinear hyperbolic equationsAnderson, John Robert Lacayo
2022Stack-Sorting and BeyondDefant, Colin
2023Stefan Problems with Supercooling: Theory and ApplicationsBaker, Graeme Scott
2015Stochastic Differential Mean Field Game TheoryLacker, Daniel
2018Structure Detection in High Dimensional Graphical ModelsCao, Yuan
2015A Study in the Asymptotic Behavior of Nonlinear Evolution Equations with Nonlocal OperatorsTarfulea, Andrei
2023Successive minima of orders in number fieldsVemulapalli, Sameera
2024Symplectic and contact aspects of foliations and Anosov flows in dimension threeMassoni, Thomas
2023Symplectic dynamics: Invariant measures, closing lemmas, and equidistributionPrasad, Rohil
2013Symplectic Vortex Equation and Adiabatic LimitsXu, Guangbo