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Showing results 10 to 23 of 23 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2016Emerging European Security ChallengesLiechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination
Dec-2016Europe Today and What's NextAndrosch, Hannes
12-Jan-2012The European Council of 8/9 December 2011Ludlow, Peter
Oct-2016The European Union without BritainLudlow, Peter
1-Sep-1999From Bismarck to Maastricht: The March to European Union and the Labor CompactKrueger, Alan B.
May-2019The Future of Mobility and Migration within and from Sub-Saharan AfricaLandau, Loren B.; Kihato, Caroline Wanjiku; Postel, Hannah
Apr-2017Implementing the Bratislava Road MapLudlow, Peter
Dec-2020Indian Chronicles: subsequent investigation: deep dive into a 15-year operation targeting the EU and UN to serve Indian interestsMachado, Gary; Alaphilippe, Alexandre; Adamczyk, Roman; Grégoire, Antoine
Mar-2009Iran's Role and Power in the Region and the International SystemLiechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination
Mar-2017March: A presidential election, economic and social policy, migration, security and defence, the Western Balkans, enhanced cooperation and the future of the EULudlow, Peter
Nov-2016Migration, Russia, Syria and TradeLudlow, Peter
Mar-2017Migration, Security, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, Cyprus, the economy and BrexitLudlow, Peter
2020Regional Organizations as Democracy Enforcers: Designing Effective ToolkitsEmmons, Cassandra Victoria
2019The Ghostwriters: Lawyers and the Politics Behind the Judicial Construction of EuropePavone, Tommaso