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Browsing by Subject Condensed matter physics

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Showing results 44 to 63 of 94 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Learn to Control Transmon Qubits Through OptimizationLeng, Zhaoqi
2021Long-Range Coupling of Electron SpinsBorjans, Felix Frederic Leonhard
2014Magneto-Transport Study of Quantum Phases in Wide GaAs Quantum WellsLiu, Yang
2012Many-body localizationPal, Arijeet
2013Mechanical properties of lightweight metals from first principles orbital-free density functional theoryShin, Ilgyou
2014Mesoscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Materials Systems: From Solid Oxide Fuel Cells to Bulk Metallic GlassesAbdeljawad, Fadi F.
2012The microstructures of cold dense systems as informed by hard sphere models and optimal packingsHopkins, Adam Bayne
2013Nearly-Hyperuniform Network Models of Amorphous SiliconHejna, Miroslav
2015New Developments in Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory Enabling Simulations of Covalent MaterialsXia, Junchao
2020New Forms of Ergodicity Breaking in Quantum Many-Body SystemsMoudgalya, Sanjay
2017Nonequilibrium Quantum Simulation in Circuit QEDRaftery, James John
2012Numerical approaches to isolated many-body quantum systemsKolodrubetz, Michael
2013Ordering and Superconductivity: Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of Unconventional Superconductorsda Silva Neto, Eduardo Higino
2016Prediction, Synthesis and Characterization of New Topological MaterialsGibson, Quinn Davis
2023Probing spontaneous symmetry-breaking in graphene quantum Hall wavefunctions with a Scanning Tunneling MicroscopeFARAHI, GELAREH
2016Quantum Hall FerromagnetsKumar, Akshay
2017Quantum Optics with Semiconductor Double Quantum DotsLiu, Yinyu
2016Quantum Order, Entanglement and Localization in Many-Body SystemsKhemani, Vedika Khemani
2017Quasiparticle Excitations with Berry Curvature in Insulating Magnets and Weyl SemimetalsHirschberger, Maximilian Anton
2019Search for Superconducting Edge Mode in Topological MaterialsWang, Wudi