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Browsing by Subject Condensed matter physics

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Showing results 25 to 44 of 92 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015Extraordinary Electronic Properties in Uncommon Structure TypesAli, Mazhar Nawaz
2024Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of Quantum Materials at Millikelvin TemperaturesOnyszczak, Michael
2014Few-electron Qubits in Silicon Quantum Electronic DevicesWang, Ke
2015First Principles Studies on Anatase SurfacesSelcuk, Sencer
2024Flat Bands in Crystalline or Moiré Materials: From Topology to Electron-Electron InteractionsCalugaru, Dumitru
2014Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: Non-Abelian Quasiholes and Fractional Chern InsulatorsWu, Yangle
2020Generation and Structural Characterization of Non-Hyperuniform and Hyperuniform Disordered SystemsMa, Zheng
2019Geometric distortions and quantum criticality in the lowest Landau levelIppoliti, Matteo
2014Guiding-center Hall viscosity and intrinsic dipole moment of fractional quantum Hall statesPARK, YEJE
2019High Pressure Superionic Ice Phase DiagramSun, Jiming
2020Hyperuniformity of Point Patterns and Two-Phase Composite MediaKim, Jaeuk
2019Imaging Quantum Hall Wavefunctions With A Scanning Tunneling Microscope: From Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking To Interacting Domain Boundary ModesRanderia, Mallika
2012Improving ab initio molecular dynamics of liquid waterLi, Zhaofeng
2019Improving Quantum Hardware: Building New Superconducting Qubits and CouplersHazard, Thomas
2018In Search of Inflation: Tools for Cosmic Microwave Background PolarimetryCrowley, Kevin
2018Interacting Bilayer Electron SystemDeng, Hao
2022Interacting Electrons in Twisted Graphene Moiré LatticesXie, Fang
2021Interacting two-dimensional electron and hole systems in perpendicular magnetic fieldsMa, Meng
2013Inverse Statistical Mechanics, Lattice Packings, and GlassesMarcotte, Etienne
2023Learn to Control Transmon Qubits Through OptimizationLeng, Zhaoqi