Browsing by Author Yoo, Jongsoo
Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Detection of an electron beam in a high density plasma via an electrostatic probe | Majeski, Stephen; Yoo, Jongsoo; Zweben, Stewart; Yamada, Masaaki |
2021 | Effects of Coulomb collisions on lower hybrid drift waves inside a laboratory reconnection current sheet | Yoo, Jongsoo; Hu, Yibo; Ji, Jeong-Young; Ji, Hantao; Yamada, Masaaki; Goodman, Aaron; Bergstedt, Kendra; Alt, Andrew |
Aug-2017 | Electron heating and energy inventory during asymmetric reconnection in a laboratory plasma | Yoo, Jongsoo; Na, Byungkeun; Jara-Almonte, Jonathan; Yamada, Maasaki; Ji, Hantao; Roytershteyn, V.; Argall, M. R.; Fox, W.; Chen, Li-Jen |
2013 | Experimental Studies of Particle Acceleration and Heating During Magnetic Reconnection | Yoo, Jongsoo |
Nov-2016 | Laboratory study of low-beta forces in arched, line-tied magnetic flux ropes | Myers, Clayton; Yamada, Masaaki; Ji, Hantao; Yoo, Jongsoo; Jara-Almonte, Jonathan; Fox, William |
2023 | Laboratory study of the failed torus mechanism in arched, line-tied, magnetic flux ropes | Alt, Andrew; Ji, Hantao; Yoo, Jongsoo; Bose, Sayak; Goodman, Aaron; Yamada, Masaaki |
29-Oct-2020 | Lower Hybrid Drift Waves During Guide Field Reconnection | Yoo, Jongsoo; Jeong-Young, Ji; M. V., Ambat; Shan, Wang; Hantao, Ji; Jenson, Lo; Bowen, Li; Yang, Ren; J., Jara-Almonte; William, Fox; Masaaki, Yamada; Andrew, Alt; Aaron, Goodman |
16-Mar-2021 | Probe measurements of electric field and electron density fluctuations at megahertz frequencies using in-shaft miniature circuits | Yibo, Hu; Yoo, Jongsoo; Ji, Hantao; Goodman, Aaron; Wu, Xuemei |
Dec-2016 | Quasi-static and dynamic magnetic tension forces in arched, line-tied magnetic flux ropes | Myers, Clayton; Yamada, Masaaki; Ji, Hantao; Yoo, Jongsoo; Jara-Almonte, Jonathan; Fox, William |
Aug-2018 | Whistler wave generation by anisotropic tail electrons during asymmetric magnetic reconnection in space and laboratory | Yoo, Jongsoo; Jara-almonte, J.; Yerger, Evan; Wang, Shan; Qian, Tony; Le, Ari; Ji, Hantao; Yamada, Masaaki; Fox, William; Kim, Eun-Hwa; Chen, Li-Jen; Gershman, Daniel |