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Browsing by Academic Advisor Lew-Williams, Casey

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Class YearAuthor(s)TitleAdvisor
2024Lee, Crystal YujinA multi-method investigation into learning words from social cues during discourseLew-Williams, Casey; Goldberg, Adele E.
2020Cay, MariesaA Polysemous World: An Examination of Polysemous Word Learning in ToddlersLew-Williams, Casey
-Zhang, YueA systematic investigation of prediction error and learning in infancyEmberson, Lauren L; Lew-Williams, Casey
2022Yashar-Gershman, SarahThe Active Bilingual Child: The Relationship Between Bilingual Children’s Communicative Behaviors and Caregiver Language InputLew-Williams, Casey
2020Peck, FlemingAutism spectrum disorder prediction at 12 months using nonlinear analysis of language-related EEGLew-Williams, Casey
2019Ortiz, DianaThe Bilingual Language Learning Experience: An Investigation of the One-Parent-One-Language Strategy in Bilingual ToddlersLew-Williams, Casey
2020Peng, RichardCaregiver Influence on Emotion Transition Learning in InfantsLew-Williams, Casey; Nencheva, Mira
2022Yang, RichardDisentangling Multimodal Scaffolding: An Investigation into the Potential of Social Cues to Bolster Word Learning from Adult-Directed SpeechLew-Williams, Casey
2022Yang, RichardDisentangling Multimodal Scaffolding: An Investigation into the Potential of Social Cues to Bolster Word Learning from Adult-Directed SpeechLew-Williams, Casey
2015Schatz, JacobEffects of Appeal on Preschool Children’s Comprehension of Educational StoriesLew-Williams, Casey
2023Heaning, ErinEffects of Maternal Mental Health on Mother-Child Interaction: Implications for Cognitive and Brain DevelopmentLew-Williams, Casey
2020Breitfeld, EllieEvery Trick in the Book: Children Simultaneously Learn Multiple Dimensions of Information During Shared Book ReadingLew-Williams, Casey
2018Giordano, KatherineExamining the Influence of Continuity on Classroom LearningLew-Williams, Casey
2018Craver, MaiaHow do Bilingual Infants Process Variability in Speakers? An Analysis of the Effect of Early Language Environment, Talker-Specific Information and Attention in Word SegmentationLew-Williams, Casey
2023Watson, ErinThe Impact of COVID-19 on Children's Social Networks and Word LearningLew-Williams, Casey
2021Whitfield, Elisabeth "Ella"Infant-Directed Communication: Investigating the Dynamics of Five Dimensions of Caregiver InputLew-Williams, Casey
2017Schorn, JuliaInfants' Statistical Summary Processing of Tone DistributionsLew-Williams, Casey
2022Dalawella, KavindyaLanguage Experience Changes Subsequent Learning for Neural NetworksLew-Williams, Casey
2020Mon, SerenaMeasuring Pupillometry during the Comprehension of Conventional MetaphorsGoldberg, Adele; Lew-Williams, Casey; Tamir, Diana