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Browsing by Academic Advisor Glaser, Alexander

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Class YearAuthor(s)TitleAdvisor
-Philippe, SébastienA Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof and Unclonable Sensors for Nuclear Warhead VerificationGlaser, Alexander
2024Lepowsky, Eric ScottAbsent-Minded and Robotic Inspectors: Nuclear Verification Techniques with Minimal Access to Items, Sites, and InformationGlaser, Alexander
2022Feng, JosephAutonomous robotic inspection of nuclear facilities with minimal memory for maximum securityGlaser, Alexander
2010Gasner, Alex Wolf SawitsBeyond GIRM: Nuclear Archaeology for Heavy Water-Moderated Plutonium Production ReactorsGlaser, Alexander
2018Tobeason, KatherineThe Great Currency Experiment: Looking Towards a United States Policy Framework for BitcoinGlaser, Alexander
2023Amiton, SophieA Home Away from Home: Design of Modular Crew Quarters for a Commercial Space StationGlaser, Alexander
2021Patton, Tamara LilinoeInformation and Blind Spots: Satellite-imaging technology and contending arguments for nuclear disarmament, arms control, and modernization in U.S. policymakingGlaser, Alexander
2018Kunkle, PaigeMachine Vision For Imaging Bubbles: Neutron Detector Technology For Zero-Knowledge Warhead VerificationGoldston, Robert J.; Glaser, Alexander
2013McClamrock, E. BenjaminMolten Salt Nuclear Reactors: A Comparative Assessment of the Resource Requirements and Proliferation-Risk Attributes of Single-Fluid and Dual-Fluid Denatured DesignsGlaser, Alexander
2015Schirm, JanetNuclear Warhead Verification: Virtual Gamma-Ray Spectrometry for Template-MatchingGlaser, Alexander
-de Troullioud de Lanversin, JulienONIX: An Open-Source Burnup Code for Nuclear ArchaeologyGlaser, Alexander
2015Zhou, Jack YujieRaces, Bombs and a Televised Penguin: An Examination of Turkey’s Successful Quest for Nuclear EnergyGlaser, Alexander
-Walker, Mark EdwinReinventing International Nuclear Safeguards in the Centrifuge Enrichment EraGlaser, Alexander
-hepler, michael andrewZero-knowledge Isotopic Discrimination for Nuclear Warhead VerificationGlaser, Alexander