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Browsing by Academic Advisor Falkner, Annegret

Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Class YearAuthor(s)TitleAdvisor
2020Chen, PatriciaA Functional Comparison Between the Lateral and Dorsomedial Columns of the Periaqueductal Gray Area in Aggressive BehaviorFalkner, Annegret
2020Liapin, MichaelAutomated Cell Detection Mapping by Analysis of Immediate Early Genes Reveals Potential Nodes in Aggression-seeking and Sex-seeking CircuitsFalkner, Annegret
2021Hinson, JustinControlling the Urge to Bite: A Computational Analysis of the Role of the Medial Preoptic Area and Ventromedial Hypothalamus Shell in Modulating Aggression and Aggression-Seeking Behavior in MiceFalkner, Annegret
2024Whitmire, LizaInvestigating Behavioral Features and Ultrasonic Communication in Dyadic Female Mouse InteractionsMurthy, Mala; Falkner, Annegret
2022Timmermans, OliviaInvestigating the Role of Androgen Receptor Expression in the Ventral Premammillary Nucleus for Hierarchy MaintenanceFalkner, Annegret
2023Wang, EmmaInvestigating the role of endogenous gonadal hormones in territorial explorationFalkner, Annegret
2021Olurin, JadesolaAn Investigation of Activity in the Ventrolateral Subdivision of the Ventromedial Hypothalamus During Aggressive BehaviorFalkner, Annegret
2023Sirrs, LucyMice to Meet You: The Impact of Testosterone on Social Behavior Across Social Context and SexFalkner, Annegret
2024Minakuchi, TomohitoSocial motivation and its hypothalamic neural basis in miceFalkner, Annegret
2022Weber, IslaThe “Trip” of Despereaux: Context-dependent effects of psilocybin on acute hippocampal activation and long-term anxiety-like behaviors in miceFalkner, Annegret
2024Li, VivianVenturing into the Unknown: Investigating the Role of the Lateral Septum in Mediating Female Mice Territory BehaviorFalkner, Annegret
2021Blundell, TaraVictory, Defeat and the Role of Testosterone in Social Behaviors and Internal States in MiceWitten, Ilana; Falkner, Annegret