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Showing results 1 to 20 of 46  next >
Class YearAuthor(s)TitleAdvisor
2019Jobson, ElizabethAncient Cynicism: An Unconventional PhilosophyAnderson, Sarah
2010Sobieski, Robert YanBeaumainsAnderson, Sarah
2014Mayo, ChelseaBeyond Escapism Rehearsing Reality and Therapy in Children’s Fantasy Literature: L. ank Baum’s Oz Series and J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter SeriesAnderson, Sarah
2011Tolfa, Michelle AnnBleeding Through Boundaries: The Creative Exertion of Female Agency in M. G. Lewis's The MonkAnderson, Sarah
1999Busch, Gregory DamonChasing A Dream and a Ghost: How the 1998 Home Run Race Restored America's Faith in its National PastimeAnderson, Sarah
2000Hunt, Regan ElizabethChild's PlayAnderson, Sarah
2024Rocker, GraceComposite Beings: Girls, Zines, and Archives from Decades Past to Feminist FuturesAnderson, Sarah
1999Knight, Nadine MargaretThe Creative Faculty within Her: What Heidi Lacks, Jo Loses, and Emily LovesAnderson, Sarah
2022Dever, LucyCryptologus: Symbolism in Monster Media from Medieval Bestiaries to Contemporary Cryptid CultureAnderson, Sarah
1998Bardenwerper, William BatesA Descent into the Maelstrom: The Macabre Explorations of E.A. Poe and Alfred HitchcockAnderson, Sarah
2019Maag, EllieA Diachronic View of Harald Hårfagre and Norway’s FoundingAnderson, Sarah; Brodsky, Claudia
2007Anderson, Autumn C.Dumbledore and Merlin: The Wizard and The Magician, The Grandson and The GrandfatherAnderson, Sarah
2016Simpson, Brett V.The Dynamics of Beowulf: Tides and TransformationsAnderson, Sarah
2004Cox, Janet LeighEnglish is No Idle Fancy or Elves and NorthmenAnderson, Sarah
2008Galib, Christine L.Falling Off of the "Narwe Perche": A Reader's Quest for "Sentence" and "Solaas" in the Nun's Priest's TaleAnderson, Sarah
2008Brody, Caroline E.W.From Toys to Children: Revisiting A.A. Milne's Hundred Acre WoodsAnderson, Sarah
2003Duke, Matthew WadeGrief, Guilt, and Grendel: The Monsters of John GardnerAnderson, Sarah
2015Good, Sara AnnaHow We Deal With War: Using Literature to Understand the Effects of British Participation in World War IAnderson, Sarah
2003Doherty, Hannah J.Into the Mere: The Armored Heart of BeowulfAnderson, Sarah
2000Bilir, Sara PinarA Knight in Shining Armor: The Evolution of Sir Gawain in Medieval British LiteratureAnderson, Sarah