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Title: Optimality in sensing and prediction
Authors: Holmes, Caroline
Advisors: BialekPalmer, WilliamStephanie
Contributors: Physics Department
Subjects: Biophysics
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University
Abstract: Biological systems are optimized for particular functions, but still exhibit significant diversity along some axes. This thesis focuses on the intersection of optimization and variability, with a focus on biological functions related to sensing and processing information.Chapter 2 describes work performed with Stephanie Palmer, where we considered the prediction problem inherent in circadian clocks. Starting from a simple encoding framework, we are able to explain why circadian clocks often do not have 24-hour periods, and to make explicit experimental predictions about cyanobacterial circadian clocks. Chapter 3 is based on work in collaboration with Benjamin Hoshal, Kyle Bo- janek, Jared Salisbury, Olivier Marre, and Stephanie Palmer. In this work, we used electrophysiological recordings from a larval salamander retina to infer the under- lying population structure, and were able to show that this population structure is functionally valuable for identifying scenes. Chapter 4 describes work done with William Bialek. We asked if there is a function-level explanation for why some systems have highly precisely arranged pho- toreceptors, and others have more variable arrangements. We found that high fidelity signal transmission only imposes a very weak constraint on photoreceptor arrange- ment, and that other constraints are necessary to explain the highly precise cases. Chapter 5 is based on work with Stefan Landmann and Mikhail Tikhonov. We considered prediction problems that single-celled organisms might face, such as pre- dicting fluctuations in environmental resources in a structured environment. We showed that known circuit motifs can be minimally modulated to allow for this kind of prediction.
Type of Material: Academic dissertations (Ph.D.)
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Physics

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