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Title: The Implications of China's "Belt and Road Initiative" for U.S. Foreign Policy
Authors: Krueger, Christian
Advisors: Friedberg, Aaron L
Department: Woodrow Wilson School
Class Year: 2018
Abstract: The Belt and Road Initiative is a significant infrastructure investment program that will promote integration throughout Eurasia. While there are many drivers behind this Chinese undertaking, the most critical and important is the strategic. Through this initiative, China intends to expand its geopolitical influence and position itself as the preponderant power in Asia. The Belt and Road Initiative directly challenges American interests, undermines international order, and proliferates illiberalism. In this context, U.S. policy should include continued engagement with China, firm defense of national priorities, and international cooperation.
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Princeton School of Public and International Affairs, 1929-2023

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