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Title: Lattice-Based Knowledge Assumption and IND-CCA1 Scheme
Authors: Zheng, Yuxi
Advisors: McConnell, Mark
Hofheinz, Dennis
Department: Mathematics
Certificate Program: 
Class Year: 2023
Abstract: This thesis introduces a lattice-based encryption scheme, Dual LWE ElGamal ($\mathcal{DLEG}$) that is IND-CCA1 secure and is relatively simple to construct. The scheme is an analog to Damgaard's ElGamal encryption scheme, which is also IND-CCA1 secure. The scheme is constructed using lattice trapdoors and its security relies on a lattice analog of the Knowledge of Exponent Assumption, called the Knowledge of LWE Secret Assumption (LWEK). This thesis motivates the construction of $\mathcal{DLEG}$ scheme and gives a proof of security. We also show that LWEK is a member of Subset Witness Assumptions (SWK) and discuss some possible future work.
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Mathematics, 1934-2023

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