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Title: Transition Metals and the Reduction of CO2: Using a Ag-Ga Electrocatalyst for the Conversion of Carbon Dioxide
Authors: Jacome, Miguel
Advisors: Bocarsly, Andrew
Department: Chemistry
Class Year: 2023
Abstract: The rising amount of CO2 in our atmosphere is a cause for concern for all of humanity. Researchers have been trying to invent ways to be able to reduce the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere for years now. There are a handful of carbon storage and removal techniques that have been gaining ground, but not enough to save our environment. One way to do this would be to capture CO2 and recycle it by turning it into products that we could use. One way to reduce CO2 into useful chemical feedstocks and liquid fuels is via electrochemistry. This paper shows that a variety of transition metal catalysts will reduce CO2. Furthermore, the most interesting catalyst seen in this paper is the Ag3Ga catalyst. With high faradaic efficiencies in products like acetic acid, Ag3Ga catalysts could have a future in the reduction of CO2 from our atmosphere.
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Chemistry, 1926-2023

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