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Title: Inertial Spinner Swarms: Emergence, Entropies, and Exponentials
Authors: Wilson, Jared
Advisors: Austin, Robert
Li, Shengkai
Department: Physics
Class Year: 2023
Abstract: Active-matter systems consist of large groups of self-propelled active particles. An inertial spinner swarm is a unique form of active matter composed of rotating, self-propelled geared discs that exchange both translational and rotational energy during collisions. These spinners come in clockwise and counterclockwise varieties, and as the proportion of these varieties approaches unity, the swarms exhibit glassy properties. Analyzing spinner swarm behavior reveals stretched exponential decay and a plethora of complex phenomena. We investigate swarm properties and their relationships using data analytics, entropy analysis, and probability theory.
Type of Material: Princeton University Senior Theses
Language: en
Appears in Collections:Physics, 1936-2023

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